Capas, Tarlac--Four (4) infrastructure projects under the administration’s ambitious Build Build Build program are already underway in Clark City. These projects include the Subic-Clark Railway Project (SCRP), New Clark City Government Administrative Center, Clark International Airport (CIA) Expansion Project- Engineering Procurement and Construction for the new International Passenger Terminal, and the CIA Project Operations and Maintenance.
The projects are under the implementation of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), with the SCRP being a joint project with the Department of Transportation (DOTr).
Subic-Clark Railway Project (SCRP)
The SCRP, which covers the provinces of Bataan and Pampanga, is a 71-km freight railway connecting Subic Bay Freeport Zone and Clark Freeport Zone. It will provide a railway link between the Port of Subic Bay and the Clark International Airport. Eventually, the trains will be open to passenger service and will be extended to New Clark City.
The railway project will be financed through Official Development Assistance (ODA) from China and through the allocated budget in the General Appropriations Act (GAA). The project has a total cost of PhP 50.03 Billion (PhP 40.26 Billion of which is shouldered by DOTr, while the other PhP 9.77 Billion is under BCDA). The railway will commence construction in 2019, and is expected to be completed on 2022.
New Clark City Government Administrative Center
The National Government Administrative Center in New Clark City will house satellite offices of all the branches of the government -- executive, legislative, and judiciary -- along with their attached agencies. This ensures a clean, efficient, and effective governance, consistent with the strategic framework of the Philippine Development Plan.
The Business Continuity Center shall provide a one-stop shop for all the businesses located in New Clark City and its vicinity. Further, as a disaster risk and recovery center, the Government Administrative Center shall serve as a back-up office in case of disaster or natural calamities to provide continuous government services.
The Government Administrative Center will also have a sports complex, which will house an Aquatics and Athletics Center, envisioned to be a world-class facility for hosting major international sports events. This will soon be the venue of the South East Asian Games to be held tentatively on November/ December 2019.
Phase 1 of the Government Administrative Center has a land area of 40 hectares, while the area of Phase 1B is 20 hectares. The total project cost is PhP 12.695 Billion and will be financed through Public-Private Partnership or PPP.
Clark International Airport (CIA) Expansion Project- Engineering Procurement and Construction for the new International Passenger Terminal
In order to alleviate air traffic congestion at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and to accommodate the growing traffic in Central and Northern Luzon, a new international passenger terminal is being constructed at the Clark International Airport.
The engineering, procurement, and construction will cost a total of PhP 9.36 Billion and will be funded through BCDA corporate funds. The groundbreaking took place in December 2017, and the project is expected to be completed on June 2020.
Clark International Airport (CIA) Project Operations and Maintenance
An operations and maintenance concessionaire for the Clark International Airport will be selected for a 25-year period using the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Law. With a total cost of PhP 5.6 Billion, the project aims to select and engage a world-class operator, in order to keep the airport at par with international aviation standards.
For inquiries, further questions and requests for interview, please contact Marianne Ongjuco:
Email:Mobile: +63918-944-8109